What is a Vehicle Registration Certificate?
Each vehicle registered on the eNatis system is issued with a Registration Certificate (RC1). This document is an official watermarked document that proves ownership of the vehicle.
What is the difference between the 'Titleholder' and 'Owner'?
If a vehicle is under finance, the financial institution will be the Titleholder and the person who bought the vehicle will be the Owner. The financial insitution will keep the original registration certificate until the vehicle has been paid off. Once the vehicle is paid in full, a titleholder change must be done. The Owner will then become the Titleholder as well.
A vehicle was recently registered in my name. The license disc in the window is still valid. Is it necessary for me to get a new disc?
Yes, as soon as possible. Once a vehicle is registered in a new owner's name, the license disc in the window is no longer valid. You must license a vehicle within 21 days after it was registered in your name to avoid penalties.
What is a Vehicle License?
Once a vehicle is registered in your name, it has to be licensed yearly. Once the license is paid, you will receive a license paper with a license disc that should be cut out and placed in the lower left hand corner of your vehicle's windscreen.
When I renewed my vehicle's license, no disc was printed on the licensing paper. Why is this?
You either have (a) other vehicles registered in your name with license fees that have fallen behind, (b) the specific vehicle must first undergo a roadworthy test or (c) both.
Screenshot (a)
Screenshot (b)
Screenshot (c)
What is a Business Registration Number Certificate (BRNC)?
If a vehicle is to be registered in the name of a business, the business must first apply for a BRNC. A copy of this document must be submitted with all vehicle-related transactions such as renewals or transfer of ownership.
What is a Traffic Register Number Certificate (RNC)?
If a vehicle is to be registered in the name of a non-legal personal (such as trusts or foreigners), a Traffic Register Number Certificate must be obtained first. A copy of this document must be submitted with all vehicle-related transactions such as renewals or transfer of ownership.
What is a proxy?
A proxy must be nominated to act on behalf of a business or non-legal person (such as trust). A copy of this person's ID must accompany the BRNC or RNC with all vehicle-related transactions such as a yearly renewal or transfer of ownership. The name and ID number of this person is added to the eNatis system.
I moved from one province to another. Should my vehicle be re-registered?
No. Your vehicle must only be licensed in your new province. A new license number will then be allocated to the vehicle and new number plates will have to be fitted.
My driver's license needs to be renewed. Can you assist?
Unfortunately not. You must do this in person as an eye test is involved and fingerprints are taken.
I sold a vehicle, but the new owner never registered the vehicle in his name. This vehicle is now blocking my other license discs. What should I do?
In order to get your vehicle's license disc, the license fee will have to be paid. To remove the vehicle from your name, you will have to apply for a duplicate registration certificate and then de-register the vehicle.
When must a vehicle go for a roadworthy test?
A vehicle needs to undergo a roadworthy test once it is transferred from one owner into the name of a new owner. The roadworthy certificate is valid for 60 days.
Can a vehicle be registered and licensed in my name without taking it for a roadworthy test first?
Yes, but keep in mind that even though the vehicle's license will be paid up to date, you will not receive a license disc until the vehicle passes a roadworthy test. Also, if the roadworthy test is not done in the same month as the licensing, pro rata licensing fees will be payable to obtain the license disc.
I need someone to wait in line at the Traffic Department and call me when they are near the front. Can you do it for me?
No, we are not placeholders. We do transactions on behalf of our clients at the Traffic Departement's bulk tellers.
I lost my car's papers. Can you apply for a duplicate on my behalf?
Unfortunately only the titleholder of a vehicle may apply for a duplicate registration certificate.
I want to de-register my vehicle because I no longer use it and its licensing fees have fallen behind. Can you assist?
A vehicle can only be de-registered once all licensing fees are paid up to date. The original registration certificate (not a copy) must also be handed in at the traffic departement when a vehicle is de-registered (scrapped).
I lost my vehicle's license disc. Will I have to pay the full amount again?
No. You will only pay a pro prata amount from when the last disc was issued until the current date.
How long after my vehicle license expired will I start paying penalty fees?
There is a grace period of 21 days.